Well, it's been a while hasn't it? To any regular readers (yeah right) who are interested in what happened, here's the story. I went to a certain place where the only computer I had was a shitty miniature Windows...
You can imagine the amount of lag when trying to type...
Anyway, I'm now back and have extreme jet lag plus school....
I have a Youtube channel to run, a blog to post on and paintings to finish...
Fuck. My. Life
Back to the writer's log. So I planned chapter ten, eleven and twelve in one session and I'm now planning on writing at least two of them in one session and releasing them all at once. Yes, I'm a big overacheiver wannabe.
I've been having a lot of issues lately with DoD. Mainly because I'm reminded that my story isn't very story driven but character driven. When outlining it I noticed that there was never a villain. Don't get me wrong, there's a villain but he/she doesn't play a major roll. My book is sort of like life. Yes, life.
My characters aren't special snowflakes and life is just messing with them like puppets. They just want to live a normal life and suddenly shit hits the fan. They're 'rescued', they lose their friends and they're trying to not die.
I'm just worried that people won't stick around for long if they notice that there isn't a villain but rather stupid situations the characters keep getting themselves into. Yes, there is a climax and yes, shit does very much get real towards the end but I'm scared that no one will read it. If anyone has tips on how to help or just wants to talk then please feel free to do so.
Another issue that I have is adding more action to compensate all the character development I've been doing. I somehow (miraculously) have managed to do so without making it seem like filler. Yay! But, once again, it has changed my story (not in a major way). It opened a bigger door and actually made way for a character arc/development thing, so that's exciting.
I think that's it for now. Excuse me while I go write an essay, finish a painting, and do more shit...
Till next time,